Don't Call It A Comeback.

So, here we are. All four Teletubbies in one place again. I have to admit, I never thought that it would happen. Four years spent running around rolling hills of AstroTurf, speaking in baby talk and holding hands. Do you know what that does to someone? I could wallpaper my house with the therapy bills. I swore to myself that I would never talk to them again. But, my therapist agent tells me this is a good idea, so I guess I'll give it a shot.

It's been nine years since the last episode aired. I can't believe that much time has passed, but a lot has happened. I got married. My wife realized she married a fuzzy green has-been. I got divorced. I did a few speaking events, but the only people who showed up were stoners, evangelical protestors, and 'that one guy' who just has to know if Tinky Winky was gay. I tried my luck in the job market, but apparently having a large green phallus on the top of your head makes you virtually unhireable.

So now I'm going back to the spotlight. Let's face it, I was made for show business. It's what I know best. I've had my agent line up some auditions for me over the upcoming weeks and I'll be letting you know how they go. Also, I'm trying to get my music career off the ground. That's my true passion. I'm thinking about doing a collaboration record with Justin Timberlake. It will be called "Jipsy" or maybe "Timbertubby". Alright, the name needs work, don't worry about that.

There's big things on the horizon.... please, God?


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